Saleem Bin Abdullah Al-Hashmi

Saleem Bin Abdullah Al-Hashmi
Director of Geospatial Information
National Survey Authority

For the fourth time now and after the success of previous editions of Oman Geospatial Forum, I am very pleased to partner with Geospatial Media and Communications to organize the 4th edition of the Oman Geospatial Forum.

The co-operation which has been established with the organisers to bring an International event to the Sultanate is in continuation of our efforts to promote use of Geospatial Technologies in all aspects. In order to achieve our objectives, it becomes vital that we understand the need of the hour and concentrate our energies in serving the priority areas dedicatedly by implementing geospatial technology to achieve the desired changes in the socio-economic fabric of our country. I would once again like to reiterate the fact that geospatial technology has tremendous potential of delivering incredible outputs when used efficiently at the right place, and most importantly, at the right time.

While we all agree with the statement that we have come a long way in terms of adapting latest geospatial technologies, we must not forget that a lot of work still needs to be done if we would really like to make the theme of this conference true, which is GeoSmart Empowering Economic Development. The best way to minimize the hardships and overcome challenges is by making geospatial data and imagery readily and more easily accessible to the general public. Efforts should also be made to increase geospatial literacy, so that they can see the value of geospatial technology in eliminating local and global level challenges.

And, one thing that we must remember is the fact that the application of geospatial technology is a long-term investment that matures over time and distinct results may not be noticed immediately.

I sincerely hope that all the pain and efforts taken to put together this event will bear fruit and surely contribute in further promotion and propagation of geospatial technology not only in Oman but across the region.